Youth Mental Health Experts

Preventing Problems, Promoting Potential

Welcome to
Motus Learning

Welcome to Motus Learning

We are progressive psychologists who believe that every young person has a right to be educated on how to take care of their mental health. Through our research-backed ‘7 Steps to Emotional Intelligence’ program, we educate students, parents, teachers and corporates about how to take care of their mental health and cultivate a pro-social mental health environment.

We break down complicated psychological theory such as cognitive behavioural therapy, neuroscience and emotion regulation into fun and easy-to-understand language. Schools and organisations working with Motus have dramatically raised the education bar by realising that a happy individual is a productive individual. Join the Motus Movement and prioritise mental health education.

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At Motus, research-backed education is everything. Alongside University College Cork, we carried out a service evaluation of our secondary school transition program in 2019. Results found that the program significantly improved emotion regulation, emotional intelligence and psychological well-being. We have also carried out two other evaluations alongside the University of Limerick.

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emotion regulation

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emotional intelligence

Primary School

Primary School

Our most popular and researched programs, giving children the language to understand their minds.
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Post Primary School

Post Primary School

Psychological principals to help students manage the trials and tribulations of adolescence.
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1 on 1

1 on 1

Individually tailored content to help children and teens understand their minds at their level and context.
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Ensuring employees know how to get the most out of their own life, as individuals and parents.
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What Our Programs Include:

  • A full school day workshop
  • An after-school parent webinar
  • Continuous teacher consultation
  • Additional teaching resources
  • Access to our interactive Motus app

The ACT Campaign

The ACT Campaign that is pushing for mental health education to become mandatory in the educational curriculum in Ireland. Our campaign is fighting for better communication between health and educational services, more emphasis on teacher mental health and designated well-being leads in schools.

We have completed our program at

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Explore the Mind Yourself Podcast and eStore

The Mind Yourself Podcast: Nurturing Your Mind and Soul

Discover a treasure trove of insightful conversations and personal development tips. Join us on a transformative journey towards a happier, more balanced you.


Discover Our eStore: Elevate Your Wardrobe, Mind, Body, and Spirit

Explore our carefully curated collection featuring branded apparel and our Mindfulness Colouring book. Elevate every facet of your being with our thoughtfully selected products.